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该信息已过期)供应施工升降机SC Series

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价格:面议 成色:

所在地:山东 烟台 交易地点:

联系人: 王品经理 未实名 [ 商家 ]

手机: (归属地:山东 烟台)

电话: (归属地:山东 烟台)



交易注意事项:1. 未见实物,先交定金的,风险极高!!!(尤其对方还未实名);2. 动身看货前需先确认产品型号、设备是否还在、产权是否清晰等重要信息,以免白跑一趟;3. 价格远低于市场价请慎重购买,要深刻理解一分钱一分货的道理;4. 仔细检查设备能否正常使用;5. 认真核对发票、质保证书、身份证、营业执照等信息,并拍照留存;6. 收货验货时请仔细核对,谨防调包;7.处理网仅为买卖双方提供平台,不核实信息的真实性、有效性、也不参与交易环节;

起重机类型: 塔式起重机

品牌: 铁力士

适用范围: 各种建筑施工

型号: SC Series

最大起重量: 2(t)

额定载重量: 2(t)

工程机械种类: 起重机械

Brief Introduction to SC Series of Construction Elevators/Lifters/Lifts<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="625"><tr><td><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The SC series of construction&nbsp;elevators are widely used at the sites of industrial and civil construction, bridge construction, underground construction, large chimney construction, ship industry and so on. Being suitable for the vertical transport of materials and people, they can also be used as permanent / semi-permanent electric elevators and in various sites like warehouses and high towers.</p><p align="left">&nbsp;This series of construction elevators, which are known for their stable performance, reliable safety, easy transportation and strong adaptability, can enhance work efficiency and reduce workers&rsquo; labor intensity.</p></td></tr></table>

